Meet the Parents: An Introduction ;)

Last Friday night.. I told my parents!!
Well, not exactly. I just asked them if H2B can visit them. Of course they said yes. He was actually there last week without having to inform my parents ahead. But my mom's tone changed when I said that he'll be coming with his family. :P

I know we've been planning for our wedding, already. But my parents don't know yet. I feel really guilty about this because H2B's family already know and are always ready to give suggestions. But H2B and I are waiting for the perfect time. And our perfect time is just before he migrates to US. He'll be leaving next month, so he needs to talk to my parents soon. He asked me if I could make an "intro" para hindi naman daw mag heart attack ang nanay ko. Hehe.

IMO, my parents are rather cool and very open-minded despite their age. Hehe. They've never been too strict to me and my sister kaya I feel more guilty when I hide things from them. I just hope they're prepared for this kind of news. Their blessing is really important to us that's why H2B and I haven't announced our engagement to the world yet.
Super kulit ni mom when I refused to tell her why H2B's coming with his family. I said they just have to wait and hear from Rey himself. Hehe. I'm quite nervous about telling them straight that we're getting married. Fortunately, the wedding's not so soon. I think may idea na ang parents ko but can't say it out loud now. Still testing the taste of their first-born-getting-married meal in their tongues. Hehe.  

I'm not exactly sure how I feel na wala ako sa Pinas when this "pamamanhikan" takes place. I feel somewhat relieved that I won't have to endure tachycardia and profuse sweating before, during and after the situation. But I also feel like I'm missing a really big part of my end-of-being-single life. But what I surely feel is that I am very thankful that H2B's brave enough to do this without me. :)

~ Dear mom&dad,
Please be extra nice. We're hoping for your kind consideration and positive response to this matter.
Thank you! ~

I will have to change my facebook status soon and I'm itching to wear "the ring"! Hehe.

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